Like two dogs coupling –
What’s the difference
Between Marx and Capitalism?
Both lie programmed
As if they meant it.
And amidst those stars.
That still sparkle in the gutter
How clever to call my bonus an incentive.
With the same fluency and finance,
Luminaries gather at Davos
To be made rich quietly
In their villas afterwards.
While nations slide asking for information
To bankroll their currency.
Political parties start wars
And pocket the difference.
An image gold and burnished in every household.
Bubbles, shadows, assets – they’re all a party
As central bankers hand out all the smarties.
All money corrupts but absolute money
Corrupts completely naturally.
A black box in a black hole
Of unintelligible depth and distance.
With only the analysis
Of a man with white stick as echo.
Like I said, I’ve done more for communism
Than any communist.
This pup I bred
Will cry for a generation.